We Help Brands &
Businesses Grow
in the Connected
AKA Lightstaff Solutions LTD. We’re fully integrated which means we’ve
got you covered on strategy and content, right through to design, digital and
media execution. You’ll form a lasting relationship with us, collaboration
is central to everything we do.
We’ll push you out of your comfort zone from time to time,
but this is where you’ll shine.
Welcome to LightInc
Creativity is to Think More Efficiently
As design strategists, we bridge the gap between strategy conceived and strategy executed. We align the goals of your organization to the needs of your customers— creating exceptional brand experiences.
We help develop informed strategies that help brands achieve their objectives and lay the creative foundation.
What We Do
Some people fear growth. We are not those people.
We see opportunities to help brands adapt to shifts in culture, behavior, lifestyle, technology, and commerce, and to lead in a consumer-oriented digital era. Brands who lean toward growth are the kind of company we like to keep.
We believe that today’s world requires a different way of working. The bringing together of best-in-class capabilities to create a whole better than the sum of its parts. And to completely transform brands and their businesses for an ever-changing environment.
To help business and brands grow
Our Team
- Practise act of random kindness
- Embrace and drive growth
- Create fun and a lot weirdness
- Adventurous and openminded
- Pursue growth and learning
- Build open and honest relationship with communication
- Build positive and family sport
- Do more with less
- Build solution, not barriers
- Funny how, we love football..especially the females
So What’s Next?
We Are Ready! Let’s Work!